Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Recall Walker

Don't worry guys I'm not talking about recalling Walker Texas Ranger. Who could live without his amazingly fake round house kicks? Not me that's for sure. (oh and don't tell chuck norris I think his kicks are fake, the man scares the bajeezus out of me.) Anywho, the walker I am talking about is currently our state governor and in case none of you have noticed nearly every college student and teacher in wisconsin hates his guts. Now, as a college student myself I might be so inclined to hate him too. I mean, he is sucking funds from schools that can be used to fuel my education. But who needs an education anyways? Later on in life when my boss asks me why I can't spell supercalifragilisticexpialidocious i'll blame it on Walker. (Actually I'll blame it on society as a whole because i'm pretty sure no school in america teaches you how to spell that word.) HOWEVER, Wikipedia does. God bless Wikipedia. Moving on, for that reason i would be inclined to dislike our governor just like everyone else. But, taking a step back we can analyze this situation from a different non-college perspective. In reality the man is doing what no other person has had to the guts (and dare i say smarts?) to do. Essentially Walker is attempting to save Wisconsin from the depths of debt. Which is good, yes? I do agree he may be pulling funds from the wrong places, like colleges, but he's doing it for the kiiiiiiind of right reasons. If were to be sympathetic to his cause. Think about it, most of you are planning to have children (nodding. yes.) So since they obviously won't have the opportunity to be living in a debt free america (face it guys Obama is not changing anything for the good of the people.) < Now a recall obama petition, thats a good idea. Anyways, not my point, if right now Walker is working to pull wisconsin out of debt and cut loose spending habits then in the future when there are no more budget cuts and fund pulling and wisconsin is happily surrounded by a sea of debt, but not a part of it, wouldn't that be good? Can we not sacrifice some of our money right now to provide for the future of our kids. So far people have pretty much left shit for a country and a state for us to live in, so why is it now that someone is trying to not leave shit for the future are people rebelling and getting angry? It's like the ozone layer guys, we could keep polluting and polluting until the ozone layer rips so large we get sucked into outer space... okay i dont know if that would actually happen. OR, we could stop polluting (spending money) and not get sucked into space (debt.) See that analogy right there? Pure genius. My point is, give the man a break, hes helping Wisconsin in a roundabout way. Isn't that what we ask for in a governor?


  1. I think you make a very interesting point. Sadly, I don't pay much attention to this kind of stuff, but I do care. Anyways, I get what your saying and I think it's a good/bad situation. Either way, no one will ever be happy. In the end, people will always have a reason to complain. I don't think I've ever met one person who actually "LOVES" the President or "LOVES" the state's governor. It's just a never-ending cycle of hate that I do my best to avoid.

  2. Walker sucks and I want him gone. Not only is he making my life harder because I am in college, he is cutting my husbands pay check along with my fathers and my mothers. My husband and dad are both firefighters and my mom is a teacher.

    For everyone out there who said public workers make too much money, fuck off. Unless you actually grew up in a house where both parents worked for the city or public you will have no idea what they give up to make it work. Every day my dad and husband go to work they risk their lives, not only in a fire but on EVERY call they go on. Not only does EVERY firefighter I know work two jobs just so they can support their family they may even work a third. That was BEFORE Walker was in office and made all his changes. Yes this is the life they chose, but so has everyone else.

    If they wanted to get kick ass benefits for doing that kind of job they would have. Guess what, they didnt.

    Everyone who bitched about teachers, firefighters, public workers making too much money had no idea what the reality of the salary really was, its even worse now.

    Ever since I could remember my dad has worked two jobs along with my mom too just to make ends meet. For once, my dad was going to be able to work only one for the last couple of years he was in the fire service. Now he has to think about getting another job again. His health is getting worse BECAUSE of the job and how is he rewarded?? Its Bull Shit! Is this the kind of life my husband and I are looking at now??

    I know people who are not in unions, make THOUSANDS of dollars more than my parents or husband has ever (or will ever) make bitch about how much public workers make just because they were not looking at the big picture.

    Selfish people... wonder what will happen when they need help or their house starts on fire and no one is there because the city or county couldn't hire (or support) firefighters to be there.

    When people need them they are there... but right after that will be thrown under the bus as soon as they are an "unnecessary" expense.

    The only reason why some firefighters supported Walker before was because they were promised to be protected from all the cuts, well guess what... that wasnt true either.

  3. Sorry, I went on a rant. I've been holding it in since forever it feels like. Its just that the consequence of him being in office is something I deal with every day, all day.

    I always live both sides of it... My hubby's parents are on the other side of the argument along with his brother. Its hard because I dont see how they could feel that way since it is affecting their son so much... It has literally torn families apart. We are not there yet but its on its way...

  4. I’m afraid to comment on this because it’s probably going to make people mad when they find out that I understand what you are saying. Scott Walker does have a lot guts. He didn’t do what was popular, and would make people happy, but he did what he had to do for Wisconsin.

    I think he knew what he was getting himself into; otherwise he would have backed down right away. Wisconsin is debt, and America is in debt. It was about time for someone to try to change that. I don’t know if he has made all of the right decisions, but I think he is just doing what he thinks he has to make a difference.

    Everybody always complains about how politicians are all talk and they just tell voters whatever they want to here. Well, here’s someone who’s not doing whatever it takes to get reelected and we are trying to recall him. What message does that send to politicians? I think he deserves a chance and I’d like to see if his plan works.

    Also at my high school discussions were all one sided (go figure), and if someone agreed with Walker they would get booed out of the room. I think people were not even open to seeing Walker’s side because of what they’ve heard from other people and teachers. I just suggest that everyone gets the facts from a nonbiased source, if that’s even possible, and then picks a side. If you already have found the facts and you still hate Walker that’s fine with me, but I think we should all be completely informed before we decide to sign the petition.
