Sunday, November 20, 2011

100 miles

For the past three months my boyfriend has been consistently 100 miles away from me and i hate it. For the one and a half years that we were dating before we went off to different colleges we lived five minutes apart. Now, we live more than an hour apart and neither of us really has much time or means to get to each other. In the past three months we've seen each other three times, me going to him twice, him coming to me once. It hasn't been bad, I mean i've missed him like crazy but we've worked through it, we've endured. I've been optimistic. Until now.

Dont' get me wrong i still love the boy like crazy. I can still see me marrying him, starting a family, and living happily ever after. But in the month that i have been unable to see him i worry what he's been thinking. He's a guy.. i feel like they, by inheritance, have a wandering eye. I can't say that i haven't myself. Of course i haven't cheated on him but sure i've thought a couple times how much more easy it would be if i wasn't dating him. Less hurt, less worry, less stress. But i know hes worth it, i know i want to be with him. Does he want to be with me? Friday i was talking to him and he said he was going to bed so i said good night, i love you. I was expecting reciprocated feelings but all i got was a "k night." K night, ouch. so i said uhm thanks? and he said love you. Like it hurt him to say it. He was drunk at the time, or at least coming down from that, but still. drunk words are sober thoughts? and today i mentioned that two days was too long to wait to see him and he said it was punny. not miss you too, or i know. just punny. I'm trying to not get worked up over it but i am and i feel like i cant say anything to him about it because he'll just deny it and call me crazy. and maybe i am but if i am going crazy its because of this 100 miles.


  1. I totally understand how you're feeling about the distance. Long distance relationships are very difficult and it doesn't seem to get any easier. Obviously there's nothing you can do about the distance. I'm glad you enjoy the physical time you spend together.

    Men are complicated pieces of work. You can't seem to figure out what they're feeling. Men don't seem to realize that we, as women, are emotional. We want to receive affection from the ones we love.

    Keep being optimistic! Perhaps he needs a healthy reminder that small words make a huge difference. I think all men need this nudge every once in a while.

  2. I think the situation you’re placed in is pretty tough. Don’t worry, I think your boyfriend is probably thinking the same thing you are right now. Guys are just a little harder to read, since they’re taught from a young age to hold their feelings and emotions back. He probably is feeling the same as you right now. Long distance relationships are tough, but its just one of those things that will either make or break your relationship. It really puts you two through a test, but if you guys have been together this long, nothing will break your relationship. I hope everything will be alright :)
