Monday, September 19, 2011

Not so Subtle

I've been thinking these past few days about something I want to write for this blog, I wanted to express creativity and originality.... let me tell you now I'm thinking that my goal is nearly impossible. Every single topic that can be picked apart, prodded, and gossiped over is already taken. I guess that says something about America, we have nothing else better to do than gossip about inconsequential things. I, on the other hand, would prefer to gossip about important things although what I classify as important may differ from what you call important. I don't enjoy talking about which celebrity married who or for that matter whether Snookie hooked up with some girl last week. However, I do enjoy music and although that seems like one of the 'inconsequential' things I was talking about there is this rather interesting song I've recently discovered. It's called Handlebars by Flobots and if you haven't listened to it yet you should. And don't sit there and think you know what the song is about because you know the opening line, NEWS FLASH: everyone does. All I'm asking you do to is sit there and listen.

Intense right? I'm sure I'm not the only one who picked up on the not so subtle message behind this song. The band is practically screaming at us to listen, and if you do listen it certainly hits home. Toward the middle/end of the song it really starts shifting to what they are really trying to get across. Honestly thinking about how true of a song it is is kind of scary. Think about it, what's a major factor of electing our presidents to date? Their public speaking and promises. Do they lead the country with a microphone? Yes. Can they guide a missile by satelite? Yes. Hit a target through a telescope? Yes. With all the technology lying at the hands of the worlds most powerful men you think we'd be a little more worried about what may lie ahead. Perhaps not a holocaust, but I'm pretty positive every worldly leader now has nuclear elements under their control, its really only a matter of time until a 3rd world war breaks loose. I don't think we stop enough to think about what our world is coming to in the hands of the people we choose to lead us, but it is rather fascinating to think about isn't it?